Thursday, 19 July 2012

Group 2 20/7/12


Helena - Building
Jamy - Documenting
Emma - Programming

Name of Activity/Challenge:

Create dance sequence for your robot using Robolab software. This should be about 2-3 minutes in length and should hav appropriate music to accompany it. have the robot remain within a 1m x 1m area. This dance sequence will be presented on the evening of the Technology Showcase. You may add props to make the dance more interesting.

Goals at the start of the lesson: 
  • Edit the dance
  • Find an appropriate song for the robot to dance to
Which goals were not achieved and why?

We kind of got halfway through to both goals because some songs we tried started off fine but then went off beat and then when we tried to program the robot in sync with the song, it would stuff up the whole dance and go outside the 1m x 1m space.

A summary of the changes to programming the robotic instructions:

We had to change the program a number of times in order to add more movements into the dance sequence as well as activities such as talking.

Video/Photo of robot being tested

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Group 2 22/6/12


Helena - Building
Jamy - Documenting
Emma - Programming

Name of Activity/Challenge:

Create dance sequence for your robot using Robolab software. This should be about 2-3 minutes in length and should hav appropriate music to accompany it. have the robot remain within a 1m x 1m area. This dance sequence will be presented on the evening of the Technology Showcase. You may add props to make the dance more interesting.

Goals at the start of the lesson: 

  • Edit the dance
  • Make the dance longer 
  • Find an appropriate song for the robot to dance to
Which goals were not achieved and why?

The first two goals were achieved however we are still not 100% sure which song we should use. One of them is Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot. 

A summary of the changes to programming the robotic instructions:

We had to change the program a number of times in order to add more movements into the dance sequence as well as activities such as talking.

Video/Photo of robot being tested

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Group 2 20/6/12


Helena - Building
Jamy - Documenting
Emma - Programming

Name of Activity/Challenge:

Create dance sequence for your robot using Robolab software. This should be about 2-3 minutes in length and should hav appropriate music to accompany it. have the robot remain within a 1m x 1m area. This dance sequence will be presented on the evening of the Technology Showcase. You may add props to make the dance more interesting.

Goals at the start of the lesson: 

  • Start the challenge
Which goals were not achieved and why?

The goal was achieved although the dance sequence was not finished and the robot didn't stay within a 1m x 1m area.

A summary of the changes to programming the robotic instructions:

We had to change the program a couple times because we had to do a variety of dance moves to see which would work with the robot and which wouldn't.

     Video/Photo of robot being tested

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Group 2 13/06/12


Helena - Documenting
Jamy - Programming
Emma - Building

Name of Activity/Challenge:

Activity 5 - Walls and Edges
Develop a program using the touch sensor that has the robot reversing away from any contact turning slightly and proceeding forward until it again collides with an object.

Goals at the start of the lesson: 

  • Get Activity 5 done - been working on it for 2 lessons
  • Start challenges
Which goals were not achieved and why?

None of the goals were achieved as during the lesson, one of the motors stuffed up but eventually got fixed but we couldn't get the programming right.
Every time we added the movement after the touch sensor, the robot would not work properly (go in circles).

A summary of the changes to programming the robotic instructions:

We had to change the programming multiple times as we were trying to do Activity 5.

Video/Photo of robot being tested

Group 2 Double Lesson 30/5/12


Helena - Building
Jamy - Documenting
Emma - Programming

Name of Activity/Challenge:
Activity 1 - 50cm and no more
Program your robot to move exactly 50cm from the start line to the finish line

Activity 2 - There and back again
Program your robot to move from the start line to the turn line, 50cm away, turn around and return to the starting position.

Activity 3 - Brace, Brace, Brace
Program your robot to use the Ultra Sonic Sensor to avoid collisions with other robots. This program will involve developing a simple loop program, where the robot will turn to avoid a collision with an object when the Ultra Sonic Sensor is activated.

Goals at the start of the lesson: 

  • Watch the video tutorials on uses of each sensor
  • Manipulate/test the motor and movement (e.g. turning)
Which goals were not achieved and why?

We didn't watch the video tutorials because we were completing activities 1, 2 and 3.

A summary of the changes to programming the robotic instructions:

The programming was changed depending on the activity that was done.

Video/Photo of robot being tested

Activity 1 - 50cm and no more

Activity 2 - There and back

Activity 3 - Brace, Brace, Brace

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Group 2


 double lesson
Helena - Programer
Jamy - Builder
Emma - Documenting

Name of activity or challenge - Acivity 1

Goals at start of lesson - 
  • to finish building the robot
  • Start programming robot
  • Complete activity 1 and 2

Which goals were not achieved and why? - N/A

A summary of the changes to programming the robotic instructions - 

Video or photo of robot being tested -